Domain Name related Rules
Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)
Mitra Teknologi Indonesia provides Registration services under the below .MX TLDs (extensions):
- 2nd Level: .MX
- 3rd Level: .COM.MX, .NET.MX, .ORG.MX, .EDU.MX and .GOB.MX
Domain Theft Protection feature is supported for .MX domain names.
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For Resellers: Both Lock and Suspension features are supported for .MX domain names.
Both Bulk Lock / Unlock and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are also supported for .MX domain names.
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Move (push) feature is supported for .MX domain names.
Additional InformationMoving or Pushing a Domain Name from a Customer Control Panel to Another
If for any reason you need to Delete your domain name, contact our Support Team at
Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)
Failure to submit valid documents could lead to deletion of the domain name.
The registry may additionally ask the registrant to submit a request letter for approval, before activating the domain. The request letter needs to be sent via post to the following address:
Registry .MX - Dominios Cerrados
Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 427 L4-6
Col. Altavista
Centro Comercial Pabellón Tec
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
C.P. 64840
Tel: (81) 8387-5346 -
The request letter needs to be in following format:
- With attention to Registry .MX.
- The creation date must be less than 30 days.The domain name must be indicated on it.
- The ink signature of the Director or legal representative of that organization wich is requesting the domain name.
- The ink signature must be the same than the official ID.
A .MX domain name can be Registered for 1 to 6 years.
The following supporting documents need to be provided to complete the Registration process:
Classification Reserved for: Requirements NET.MX - Internet Services Provider
- Provider of value-added services
- Provider of wireless network services
- Provider of services of data transmission
- Provider of special telecommunications services
NOTE: Any other organization not included in this column may not be registered under this category.
- Copy of the registration of the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Federal Communications Comission) as a provider of services mentioned above.
- A letter including letterhead requesting the Domain Name. It is important to mention the information of the services they offer. The letter must be signed by the attorney or the legal representative.
- Copy of an official identification of the person who signs the letter.
The Domain Name requested must be related, under judgement of the Registry .MX, with the name of the organization (name registered in the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Federal Communications Comission)).
ORG.MX - Legally constituted non-profit organizations in Mexico
- Civil societies and associations legally established in Mexico
- Individuals established in Mexico, that accredit the use of the Domain Name for non-profit
- International Non-profit Organizations established in Mexico
- Nongovernmental organizations incorporated in Mexico
- Embassies and consulates of foreign countries established in the Mexican national territory
- Political parties and political associations
- Religious associations
- Institutions dedicated to the education of persons with disabilities
- Private charity institutions
- Private Trusts
NOTE: Any other organization not included in this column may not be registered under this category.
- The Registry .MX may request the holder of the Domain Name any documentation that it deems necessary to verify the full compliance with these policies.
In case that the Registry .MX request any documentation to the corporations, they must send a document that proves the quality referred in the previous column and in case of individuals, send a letter stating that the activities they perform are primarily non-profit activities.
The shipment of the documents must be made within less than 10 (ten) days by mail.
EDU.MX - Education Institutions that have a registration before the SEP or are incorporated to any University recognized by the Mexican State
- Job Training Schools or Technical Education accredited by a competent office of the Mexican Government
- Institutions for preschool education that have a registration before the SEP or are incorporated to any University recognized by the Mexican State
- Institutions dedicated to the research and that has the registration before the CONACYT.
NOTE: Any other organization not included in this column may not be registered under this category.
- Copy of the Registration before the SEP or copy of the newspaper or official journal stating that according to the specific case, or when it applies, copy of the registration before the CONACYT.
- A letter including letterhead of the educational institution requesting the domain name, which will be the only one authorized to use it.
- Copy of an official identification of the legal representative that signs the letter.
The Domain Name requested must be related, under NIC MEXICO's judgement, with the name of the organization (name registered before the corresponding official institution of education).
NOTE: The Registrant of the Domain Name will be the only one authorized to make modifications to it.
GOB.MX - Federal Government, State and Municipal, Secretaries and Dependencies, Government Programs, Centralized Organisms, decentralized, deconcentrated, autonomous and parastatal Organisms of the Public Administration of the Mexican Government
- State Enterprises and parastatals of the Mexican Government
- Embassies of Mexico
- Public Trusts
NOTE: Any other organization not included in this column may not be registered under this category.
- A letter including letterhead of the Mexican Government in which it requests the Domain Name, signed by the legal representative.
- Copy of the appointment of the person that signs the letter, in which it requests the Domain Name.
- Copy of an official identification of the legal representative that signs the letter.
NOTE: The Registrant of the Domain Name will be the only one authorized to make modifications to it.
COM.MX Any individual or corporation that requests it. None .MX Any individual or corporation that requests it. None -
All documents need to be emailed in jpeg format to within 30 days from the time of placing a .MX Registration Order.
A .MX domain name has a 4 day Money Back Grace Period.
The Bulk Registration feature is available for .MX domain names.
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.MX domain names do not support Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).
Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)
A .MX domain name can be Renewed for 1 to 6 years.
A .MX domain name has a Renewal Grace Period of 40 days and a Redemption Grace Period of 30 days.
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Upon Expiry of a .MX domain name:
any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this domain name would stop functioning, until the domain name is Renewed.
if the .MX domain name is not Renewed until 40 days, the domain name would get Deleted and would slip into Redemption Grace Period.
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Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)
Upon Transferring a .MX domain name, the domain name gets renewed by 1 year.
.MX domain names have a 60-Day Transfer Lock placed on them, after they are Transferred.
Upon placing a Transfer request for your .MX domain name with Mitra Teknologi Indonesia, we would validate your Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code with the .MX Registry. Once confirmed, the domain will be transferred within 11 days.
The Bulk Transfer feature is available for .MX domain names.
Additional Information
Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)
.MX domain names use the .MX Contact database in the system.
.MX domain names use the following 4 Contacts:
Registrant Contact
Administrative Contact
Technical Contact
Billing Contact
.MX domain names do not support Mitra Teknologi Indonesia's Privacy Protection feature.
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The Bulk Modify feature is available for .MX Domain Names, while Bulk Privacy Protection is not supported.
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Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)
Each .MX domain name needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and may have upto 13 Name Servers.
There is no limitation on the number of Child Name Servers you may create.
You may associate IPv6 Address in Child Name Servers.
You may modify both Name Servers as well as any Child Name Servers associated with your .MX domain name.
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